Paid family & medical leave
Paid family and medical leave (PFML) laws set the standards for managing employee work absences, from caring for a loved one, to recovering from illness or injury, to welcoming a child. These tools can help you navigate ongoing law changes, so you can stay compliant and efficiently help employees get back to performing at their best no matter the location.

States with PFML laws and programs
More and more states are passing PFML laws. Although they may follow the same basic principles, each state looks a little different in terms of the program name, benefit provisions and eligibility requirements. Select the state below for an overview of the programs and resources available to help you navigate them:
Want more information about expanded access to paid family leave? Our paid leave benefit rider, available on short-term disability (STD) insurance, is the most widely available of its type. Learn about it here.*

Each state’s PFML program often comes with benefit limitations, potentially leaving income gaps that could put your employees’ financial wellness at risk. Short-term disability (STD) insurance and PFML work together to provide your workforce with the financial protection they need during a leave. So you can be prepared to provide powerful disability benefits that not only help replace income, but also work to support employee well-being and can help simplify return to work.
Guardian can help you manage it all
Effective employee leave management is key to helping ensure your business properly assists employees, remains compliant, and avoids costly fines. But staying on top of changing state and federal employee leaves can be a challenge, especially as the number of states enacting paid family and medical leave (PFML) laws has steadily increases.
With more than a decade of experience providing statutory disability plans, Guardian puts together resources for PFML plan implementation and management that works for you, no matter the level of complexity. We can help reduce your administrative burden and enhance compliance to ensure leaves are managed as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Our plans are fully insured, state-approved, and backed by digital capabilities designed to help make administration easier
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*The rider is currently available in 30+ states across the US.
Guardian Group Short Term Disability Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products are not available in all states. Policy limitations and exclusions apply. Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs. Generic Policy Form # GP-1-STD-15. The state approved form is the governing document.