Retirement calculator
Whether retirement is decades away or just over the horizon, it's a good idea to always know where you stand. Use this calculator to see whether you're on target, pretty close, or have veered off course.

Whether retirement is decades away or just over the horizon, it's a good idea to always know where you stand. Use this calculator to see whether you're on target, pretty close, or have veered off course.
Your results
Based on your answers, you're at 24% of your total retirement income goal of $1.67M.
We can help you. Talk to a financial professional to help create a retirement plan.Talk to a Guardian financial professional about your results
The information provided is not intended to be tax, legal or investment advice and is provided for general educational purposes only. Neither Guardian, nor its subsidiaries, agents or employees provide tax or legal advice. You should consult with your tax and legal advisor regarding your individual situation.
Charts are for illustrative purposes and are not intended to suggest a particular course of action or represent the performance of any particular financial product or security. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Everyone’s retirement goals are unique. Your results are based on information you provided and/or assumptions, but you can adjust the answers to these questions to better fit your financial situation.