Guardian Service Solutions
Happy, healthy employees are supported by great workplace benefits. When it’s time to use and manage those benefits – who’s supporting you and your employees?

Welcoming you as our customer
Learn about our approach to implementation, from who you will work with, to how the tools and technology we use makes it simpler.
Enrolling your employees
Our goal is to give your employees clarity and confidence in their benefits decisions. Learn how our enrollment solutions do just that.
How we serve your whole company
The people, tools, and technology that go into account management aim to meet you and your employees where you are, whether you want to self-serve or need stronger support.
Fast. Easy. Intuitive. Accurate.
These are the words that should describe your benefits administration experience.
Our ben admin technology is baked into our service experience. We think technology should get rid of the headaches, the inaccuracy, and save time - so you can spend more time supporting the well-being of your greatest asset: your people.
*Applies to all Guardian coverage except state mandated plans, FMLA, self-administered plans or groups that have multiple group numbers.
Guardian® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. ©Copyright 2024 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America