Helping ensure Guardian cases are implemented smoothly
Submitting enrollment data in good order and on time could increase client satisfaction scores by an average of 20%.¹ We can show you how to get it done.

Guided quote validation and data collection
Pre-populated information from time of quoting
E-signature and digital online attestation
Complete, downloadable implementation documentation
Upload your enrollment files to Guardian quickly and accurately with EMMA™.
EMMA (Enrollment Mapping and Management Application) uses smart-mapping technology to help you accurately upload, validate, and submit information directly to Guardian for multiple members at a time. The intuitive interface and user-friendly design help get employees active in the system quicker — cutting enrollment submission processing time by as much as 25%.¹
And remember to provide employee emails. This helps ensure we can support employee well-being with proactive communications to help them easily use and understand their benefits.²

1 Based on 2023 Guardian internal data.
2 Currently available to new dental and/or disability customers eligible for caregiving support services. Plans to expand to additional products in the future.
EMMA is a trademark of Guardian and cannot be used without express written authorization.