Workforce well-being is at the forefront of minds for employees and employers alike, and they’re both looking to benefits as a solution. An educational and engaging communication strategy leading up to enrollment is an opportunity for employers to help improve their workers' outlook on their benefits offerings. This may be especially effective for organizations that have started introducing new benefits to meet their employees' well-being needs.

91% of workers believe their employee benefits directly impact their well-being.

For employers who want to establish an impactful enrollment strategy, it can be helpful to think of benefits communications like a marketer. To help increase confidence in employees' benefits selections and better benefits adoption, organizations should break the enrollment process down into five buckets that marketers often rely on when creating campaigns.

Enrollment report landing page graphic

Download the report to learn more


Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from Guardian’s 13th Annual Workplace Benefits Study, 2024. 

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