Infographic: Mind, Body, and Wallet

This archived material is for informational purposes only; the information provided was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be current.
Americans are not feeling so well
Guardian's Workforce Well-Being Index (WWBI) measured the well-being score of American workers. The average WWBI score is only 3.26 out of 5. What brings the number down is the financial wellness index, which accounts for 40% of the total WWBI score. And scored on its own, financial wellness was the weakest of the three indices, getting only 3.19 out of 5. Working Americans are worried about money — and their concern is growing.
A climate of financial anxiety
American workers feel less confident about achieving their financial goals than they did in 2016. In fact, success self-ratings have worsened by nearly 15%-30% on key measures such as:
Saving for college education (-27%)
Replacing income if seriously ill or injured (-24%)
Saving for retirement (-20%)
Protecting family with adequate life insurance (-17%)
For a complete picture, read the research brief, “ Mind, Body, and WalletTM ” from The Guardian Workplace Benefits Study: Fourth Annual.