1 95+ Disability Insurance Stats & Disability Facts, Simply Insurance, 2023

2 Guardian internal claims analysis; 2023 data

3 Social Security Basic Facts, Social Security Administration, 2023

4 All Injuries — Overview, National Safety Council Injury Facts, 2021

Guardian® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Copyright © 2024, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Material discussed is meant for general informational purposes only and is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, the information should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice.

1 95+ Disability Insurance Stats & Disability Facts, Simply Insurance, 2023

2 Guardian internal claims analysis; 2023 data

3 Social Security Basic Facts, Social Security Administration, 2023

4 All Injuries — Overview, National Safety Council Injury Facts, 2021

Guardian® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Copyright © 2024, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Material discussed is meant for general informational purposes only and is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, the information should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice.